Master Node.js: A Comprehensive Roadmap and Syllabus for Beginners

Master Node.js: A Comprehensive Roadmap and Syllabus for Beginners

Node.js Roadmap:

  • Basics:
    • Introduction to Node.js
    • JavaScript fundamentals
    • Event loop and asynchronous programming
    • Modules and packages
  • Core APIs:
    • File system
    • HTTP server
    • Streams
    • Child processes
    • Networking
  • Databases:
    • Introduction to databases
    • SQL and NoSQL databases
    • Working with databases in Node.js
  • Web Development:
    • Express.js framework
    • Routing and middleware
    • Templates and templating engines
    • RESTful APIs
  • Additional Topics:
    • Testing
    • Deployment
    • Security

Node.js Syllabus:

Module 1: Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js?
  • Why use Node.js?
  • Key features of Node.js
  • Applications of Node.js
  • Setting up Node.js development environment

Module 2: JavaScript Fundamentals

  • Variables and data types
  • Operators and expressions
  • Control flow statements
  • Functions
  • Objects and arrays
  • Error handling

Module 3: Event Loop and Asynchronous Programming

  • Understanding the event loop
  • Working with asynchronous code
  • Callbacks and promises
  • Async/await

Module 4: Modules and Packages

  • What are modules?
  • Common Node.js modules
  • NPM and package management
  • Installing and using packages

Module 5: Core APIs

  • File system module
  • HTTP server module
  • Stream module
  • Child processes module
  • Networking module

Module 6: Databases

  • Introduction to databases
  • SQL vs. NoSQL databases
  • Popular databases for Node.js
  • Working with databases in Node.js

Module 7: Web Development

  • Introduction to Express.js
  • Routing and middleware
  • Templates and templating engines
  • Building a simple web application

Module 8: RESTful APIs

  • What are RESTful APIs?
  • Designing and building RESTful APIs with Node.js
  • Using tools like Postman

Module 9: Additional Topics

  • Testing Node.js applications
  • Deploying Node.js applications
  • Securing Node.js applications


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